Jun 30, 2015

Published 1:38 PM by with 0 comment

Essay of me: The Negative Effect of Staying Up Late

     Everyone has many different activities in their daily life. Sometime, They have many things to do in a limited time. In this case, they decided to finish their duties or job until in the late night. They stay up late for finishing their duties. However, they ignore the effect of stay up late. There are several negative effects of stay up late, three stand out: waking up late in the morning, feeling sleepy in the daily activity, and decreasing the body health.
     The first effect of staying up late is waking up late in the morning. It is hard for people who stay up late in the night to wake up early in the morning. It will cause another effect for the daily activity. For example, It makes people coming late the school or office, and losing an importance schedule. In short, staying up late will cause waking up late that resulting bad effects.
     Then, The second negative effect of staying up is feeling sleepy in the daily activities. When someone feels sleepy, he/she can not focus on what he/she did. Because of sleepy, most of people loss their spirit in passing their activities. In this case, they will never do their duties maximally. So, feeling sleepy is the second negative effect of staying up late.
     Thus, the third negative of staying up late is decrease the body health. Staying up late will decrease the ideal sleeping time for human which is body health will be decreased. They will get sick easily. In short, staying up late has negative effect for body health which is will be more easy to get sick.
     In conclusion, stay up late is a bad habit that can give many negative effect for human. People who stay up late in the night will feel difficult to wake up early in the morning. Thus, in a long period of time. People who applied this habit will be easy to get sick , because their body health is decreased. So, manage your time wisely in order to keep your sleeping time from staying up late because of your activities.
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